How to Remove Shortcut Virus .lnk From Pen drive or USB Drive
If your pan drive is not showing important documents and showing only shortcuts then it may be infected by shortcut virus. If your pandrive does not have any important file then you can try to format it. But if your pan drive contains any important file and you don't want to format it then I am telling you simple steps to remove this virus and recover your pan drive data.
First Step : First Go to start menu and search for "cmd", as it appears in menu then Right Click on it and Click on "Run as Administrator".
Second Step : Now open "My Computer" and check pan drive letter.
Third Step : Type ”del<space>*.lnk” (without quote) in cmd window and Press Enter.
Fourth Step : Now type ”attrib<space>-s<space>-r<space>-h<space>*.*<space>/s<space>/d<space>/l ” ( without quote ) and Press Enter.
It will take few seconds to recover all your important data, now you can open your pan-drive to check your data.
First Step : First Go to start menu and search for "cmd", as it appears in menu then Right Click on it and Click on "Run as Administrator".
Second Step : Now open "My Computer" and check pan drive letter.
Third Step : Type ”del<space>*.lnk” (without quote) in cmd window and Press Enter.
Fourth Step : Now type ”attrib<space>-s<space>-r<space>-h<space>*.*<space>/s<space>/d<space>/l ” ( without quote ) and Press Enter.
It will take few seconds to recover all your important data, now you can open your pan-drive to check your data.
nice post