How to get absolutely free Traffic on Website with small work?
Build a website or blog is not a difficult task but generate real traffic or users for your website it may little harder.
I have created this blog ( to share my personal views and ideas to World but recently I thought that where the benefits of our readers are? My readers can read my views if getting some benefits from us, right! But all views cannot be beneficial every time. So I converted this blog to as a social media marketing or Internet marketing learning hub, where readers can learn how to create a website or blog? After creating a website then know how to promote content to engage readers or viewers.
So this blog post is for those readers who want to increase his online business to promote goods online. Here I will tell you how to increase free traffic to your blog or website with small daily work.
First Step:
A - Define your website or blog website:
I request you to don't confuse your readers as I did. Your website homepage should be like a movie poster which tell the complete story of your web page or business so interest persons will only read it and share it.
What you can do:
1. 1. Choose domain name according to your business and blog topic so that anybody can understand with the name of your website that which is related to this (any topic or business).
For example, Indian recipes websites – correct domain can be
2. After that choose the right blog and website category where readers are interested to read it or find any content or post easily.
3. Post right content or post to correct category each time, for no more confusion in the reader's mind, otherwise readers will close your website in few minutes and they will try to find same content or topic from other websites.
B - Best ways to get free traffic to your blog or website
If you are managing your website or blog like above then second step to get traffic on your website is very important, you need publicity right?, here I will tell you here that how to publically know about your business or website.
1. Choose the right blogging platform:
This is the first thing that you should choose carefully right blogging platform, if you want to start with a free blogging platform then is the no.1 platform. You can sign up with Google account and start your blogging. You can also add custom domain name with your blog.
But if you have money and if you can invest about Rs.5000 to 10,000 yearly, then you can go ahead with Word press blog. Word press is totally custom blogging platform where you can change your blog design, function, tools as per your needs where the have very limited functions to use.
In addition, you can buy cloud hosting to improve website speed and downtime.
If you are new to Word Press or then very soon I will post Word Press Guide and Guide so that you can understand how to start with it.
2. SEO (Search Engine Marketing) :
If you have chooses the correct blogging platform as per your need then we will discuss about SEO. means search engine marketing. In another form, we can say SEO means tell search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, that you have posted unique products or content. So that search engines can list your URL in their search result.
Here are a few small tips for you to start SEO for your blog
a) Choose the right keywords for your blog post or product listing which readers mostly search in search engines (Google, Bing & Yahoo). This is the most effective strategy for any bloggers because your reader loves to read your content. This step will bring you new readers on your blog and they will join you. If you are listing product then customers can easily find your product in Google search result because you have chooses the right keyword.
b) What is the right keyword? How to decide it? It is not a big question, you just think like a human, not a machine. If you are the place of customer or reader then which keywords type in Google to find the same content or product? Right! Now you can get this answer yourself.
c) When you are doing blogging or product listing on your web page then you must follow on-page optimization rules. I will tell about SEO, on-page optimization and off-page optimization in a separate post.
3. Build own community:
It is very important that you can start your community or group related to topic or products. You can join related forums; Facebook pages and WhatsApp group to viral your content and let readers that you have posted some related information on your blog.
4. Press releases:
The press release is one of the old and best ways to get new readers on your blog; you can publish your articles on newspapers and magazines to bring new generation readers to your webpage. If you are selling physical goods then you should post advertisements in newspapers and related magazine.
5. Guest Blogging:
It can be a game-changing strategy for you because you are posting your own article or content to that blogs which already have millions online users or traffic, you can start posting your article to related best blogging sites and refer readers to your blog.
There are many good blogging websites which accept guest blogging including me (, which will accept articles or blog posts by guest writers. Guest blogging depends on your content and type, where type means if you are promoting your website or goods then you will not be paid but If you are writing articles or post only to sell then we will accept your promotional line or link in middle of content, after approving your article, we will pay you per article wise, money depends on your blog content size and quality.
6. Use other media channels:
To promote your blog and website, you should create an account on YouTube, Twitter, Flickr & Instagrams to share your content. For example, you can create a Video for your YouTube channel, tell viewers about topic and products. You can share product or blog post link to Twitter with your own hashtag and the same you can upload related images or pictures on Flickr and Instagram accounts.
7. Comment option:
Comment option on your blog or website should be enabled so that you understand your reader's mind, you can reply to their questions. It means you can build your community on your website itself.
8. Curiosity
Curiosity is the best way to keep readers active on the website till a long time, because if any reader, reading your blog then he should have the curiosity about your topic that what would be next. It is the best feature of any writer to engage your reader to blog till a long time.
9. Post Links on keywords:
You can build keyword links like Wikipedia so if any confuse reader can understand the meaning of that keyword which you have posted in your article. This trick will engage your customers till a long time on your website.
All the above information, I have posted in short but brief information I will give you next post. You can ask a question in a comment and I will reply to you as soon as possible.