how to make money selling photos of yourself, best place to sell photos online, sell photos online for free, shutterstock sell photos
As you know, lockdown is going on in India due to the Coronavirus epidemic. 95 percent of people are still at their respective homes. I am also at home. So thought that sitting at home, I tell you some ways to earn, from which you can earn something. You can say it Work from home. You can start work from home using your smartphone and laptop.
It is not that you will become a millionaire within a day, but if you keep trying constantly, then you can make a good income every month from home.
Today I will tell you about the Shutterstock online website. Here peoples upload their mobile or camera photos to the Shutterstock website, for sale online. There is no charge to upload photos and create an account. Whenever your photo is sold, some percent of its Shutterstock website will be kept, the rest will be put in your Shutterstock account. As soon as you have $200 in your account, you can transfer it to your bank account.
The bank account information will be asked when you create your account.
How to create an account at Shutterstock?
Friends, creating an account at Shutterstock is not a very difficult task. To create an account, first of all, go to this registration page.
As soon as you come to the registration page of Shutterstock contributor, click on Get Started here and after that, you will get a form like a picture below and proceed by filling it.
Then the activation email will come on your given email, by clicking on it, the email will have to be verified. After that, you will be able to login into the account but first, you have to make your profile 100%. Verify your account by entering the necessary information.
How to upload photos to Shutterstock?
There are two ways to upload photos to Shutterstock, one can select and upload the image from the direct website, second, you can download the mobile application of Shutterstock and upload it directly from your smartphone. This application is available for android and iOS smartphone users.
Do not forget to enter the correct search keywords for each image you upload. Meaning that you yourself think of which name people will search for your image. The option to insert keywords will come after the image is uploaded.
If you want to know the other best places to sell photos online, then you can check here.
Can you make money selling photos on Shutterstock?
Yes, you can easily earn money by uploading your mobile photos to Shutterstock. It is very good for any beginners in the Blogging field.