Do you have a High Bounce Rate on Your YouTube or Blog?

Understand about bounce rate and increase your earning from blogging and YouTube. The honest way to increase Ad slot -

Is the Bounce Rate high on your YouTube video or blog? So first you have to understand Bounce Rate. Bounce Rate means how long a visitor stays on your blog. I share my own experience about this. Because I am working in internet marketing line since 2006.

The honesty of Content Creator -

Nowadays you must have seen many such blogs that write the title in such a way that the visitor clicks on it curiously, but when the content is not related to it, he stops reading half or watching half of that video.

Due to this, those bloggers earn in recent times, but in the future, good ads stop coming on their videos or blogs. Because advertising companies put some conditions while placing advertisements in Google ads, their advertisements are not visible on websites with high bounce.

Like today I saw a news article in Google News whose title was -

Install this device at home and earn crores

I thought about which such a device has come from, I clicked on that link and came to know that he told internet router as a device and its benefits were told about earning from blogging and earning from youtube.

I closed that page immediately, there were other articles on that website with similar titles but didn't read them and exited the website.

This is the best example of increasing bounce rate, you should not do such practice on your blog or youtube channel. Because in this way you lose the trust of your visitors.

Cheating with Advertiser -

Of course, you are also cheating with those advertisers who are giving ads on your blog or YouTube channel. If the visitor immediately closes the page and returns, that is, when he did not like the content of the page, then why would he click on your ads because it is out of his interest?

what should happen -

Understand it with the below example -

If you have given a blog or video title about Insurance, then the content should be according to the title. With this, the person who is reading about insurance can book insurance online by clicking on the advertisement of insurance.

On this type of blog or YouTube channel, the advertiser sometimes makes a hefty bid for his ads. By which you earn more and the company gets real customers.

Who will benefit

  1. In this, if the company giving advertisement gets real customers, then it is beneficial.
  2. If more and more related companies give advertisements on your blog, then you get good money for that slot or space.
  3. Your visitors get offers for the right insurance or the right product or the right service through the right advertisement.
So today I have told you an honest way from my experience, in this the income may be less in the beginning but it burns in the future because Advertisers choose to advertise on your videos and blogs with the best offers.

The bounce rate works on this basis. Which tells how much the visitor likes your blog or video.

what not to do

Do not pressurize your visitor to subscribe, like, and follow again and again because whoever needs your content will definitely follow and subscribe to it.

How much do you agree with my experience, you can tell through comments. 

बाउंस रेट के बारे में समझें और ब्लॉगिंग और यूट्यूब से अपनी कमाई बढ़ाएं। विज्ञापन स्लॉट बढ़ाने का ईमानदार तरीका।

Hare Krishna / Hare Ram to all 

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

बाउंस रेट के बारे में समझें और ब्लॉगिंग और यूट्यूब से अपनी कमाई बढ़ाएं। विज्ञापन स्लॉट बढ़ाने का ईमानदार तरीका।

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What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT: Do you have a High Bounce Rate on Your YouTube or Blog?
Do you have a High Bounce Rate on Your YouTube or Blog?
Understand about bounce rate and increase your earning from blogging and YouTube. The honest way to increase Ad slot -
What I think | Pradeep Singh Tomar | BHARAT
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