new inventions, new products are manufactured using new techniques, which are beneficial to both producers and consumers. New job opportunities are cr
Invention, manufacture, and production are important components of development. New inventions in science and technology have brought a lot of changes in our lifestyle. With these inventions, we have got better living facilities, healthy life, education, career opportunities, etc.
If any country has to be developed, then the youth of that country should be motivated to go into the field of invention, construction, and production.
Invention -
Invention or R&D does not only mean technical knowledge, but the invention should be in every field. for example -
- innovation in agriculture and farming
- Invention to create new products
- innovation to create new features
And if you don't have happiness in life or mind even after getting food, new products, and new facilities, there is discord, insomnia, jealousy, etc. in life, then by studying Vedas and scriptures, meditation and contemplation, mankind's invention to give peace to
Construction -
If you can build something, or make something through innovation, then you contribute to the development of the country. Because then you leave the idea of making some product for the coming generation.
Production -
Every day you consume as much and produce as much or more than you donate to the development sum of the country. Because then after filling your stomach you leave something for the coming generation.
Along with new inventions, new products are manufactured using new techniques, which are beneficial to both producers and consumers. New job opportunities are created by the production of new products and new business opportunities are generated for the entrepreneurs.