Zee News TV Channel Faces Force Blackout in India, know why? is it democratic or not? Zee News Shut down or close India's oldest private TV channel.
Today, I heard the news from some media sources on the internet that Zee Media's TV channels have been blocked in a state, which includes Zee News and its sister TV channels. I will give you the news sources below -
- Zee News channel faces blackout in Punjab, other Zee channels available
- Zee News Channel Faces Blackout
This post is about what I think on the matter of " Zee News TV Channel Faces Blackout" -
If a state government thinks of blocking any media channel, then this idea cannot be democratic. There are many excuses to block or close a news channel. Even if a state government takes the excuse of those excuses or allegations, then also they should go to court with all those excuses. Then if a decision comes from the court, where the ruling party and the opposition debate among themselves and find a way or solution, that can be called democracy, but if a political party directly closes or blocks a channel or media organization, then it can never be called an example of living democracy.
The duty of protecting democracy can only be done by the court, not by any political party. If any political party says so, then it is a misconception, and history proves that a misguided person or a misguided country can only be a slave of someone's mentality, not independent.
Today, any such right or wrong mentality is not covered up by calling it "the fight of our thoughts".
That is why the court should immediately take action on any such activity, all the evidence and allegations should be seen in an unbiased manner because what is that democracy that cannot protect itself? So I think this example is also tarnishing the democracy of any country.
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Zee Punjab/Haryana/Himachal FTA from GSAT15 / Asiasat7
If you agree, then definitely share it. so that democracy can think about protecting itself.
Note - My aim is not to spread negative things about any political party, channel or my beloved constitution, these are emotional thoughts on what I think can be positive.