Enjoy Lightweight Os in any 1GB, 2GB Laptop or Computer. Install Windows 11, and boost performance using the given below methods, which I tried myself
If there is no option to increase RAM in your laptop, that is, the RAM is inbuilt in the motherboard itself, then you can use your old laptop by increasing the virtual RAM in your laptop. Similarly, I had an old laptop lying in the store. When I turned it on, it was working, and the battery was also fine in it. Windows 8.1 Home Version came in that laptop.
Which got updated to Windows 10 automatically when connected to the internet. Since that laptop had only 2 GB of RAM and a 250 GB hard disk. To increase the speed, I removed the hard disk and installed an SSD. The speed became better than before, but it was still not enough to open any web browser and work. When the web browser was open, it became very slow and unresponsive.
Then I searched on the internet for which operating system is lightweight, and runs fast.
First I tried installing ChromeOs, its performance was good but many software were not running. For this reason, installing Linux and ChromeOS did not solve the problem.
Then I came to know from many websites and blogs that Tiny11, which is made by a developer by modifying Windows11, got amazing performance after installing it and you will not believe that I am running Windows 11 in just 2 GB RAM. Although most of the features of Windows11 are not available in Tiny11. But no problem, the laptop started working.
After a few days, it started hanging again probably due to accumulation of Temp files and Cache files in it.
So I found out how I can increase the virtual RAM in my laptop. And you should see the method I found that how we can boost the performance of Windows 11 by increasing Virtual RAM in Windows 11. This can help increase your system's performance, especially if you're running multiple or resource-intensive applications.
Enjoy Lightweight Os in any 1GB, 2GB Laptop or Computer. Install Windows 11, and boost performance using the given below methods, which I tried myself. know How to Add virtual RAM to your old Windows 11 laptop/PC.
How to Add virtual RAM in your old Windows 11 laptop -
Go to Control Panel > System > Change Settings > Advanced > Settings.
Under Virtual memory, select Change, then deselect Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
Select Custom size, then set the Initial size and the Maximum size for your paging file.
So my laptop had 2GB of RAM, so this is how I increased the virtual ram. So I assume that your laptop also has
If you have 2GB of physical RAM, here's how you should set your virtual memory:
Initial size: 1.5 times your RAM, which is around 3072 MB.
The calculation is as follows -
2GB RAM = 1024MB x 2 = 2048 x 1.5 = 3072
Maximum size: Up to 3 times your RAM, which is around 6144 MB.
The calculation is as follows -
2GB RAM = 1024MB x 2 = 2048 x 3 = 6144
This should help give your system a bit more breathing room. Remember though, virtual memory is a stopgap; adding more physical RAM is usually the best way to see real performance improvements.
I am sure that whether you have an old laptop or a new one and are facing any problem related to RAM, hanging issue or performance, after doing this you will definitely come to say thanks in the comment box below this post.