Here is complete and best procedure to limit internet downloading and uploading speed to WiFi users bandwidth connected to Digisol, D-Link, iBall, Tenda and TP-link modem or routers.
If you have Internet or wifi network in your home or office
then this trick is very useful for you because by using this facility or trick
on you can control internet bandwidth limit from your router or modem. But It
is totally depends on the type of router you are using in your home or office.
Most of the modems and routers have bandwidth control function but, they will
allow controlling the speed of all connected devices at once.
Here is complete and best procedure to limit internet downloading and uploading speed to WiFi users bandwidth connected to Digisol, D-Link, iBall, Tenda and TP-link modem or routers.
Login to your router or modem by using routers gateway address; usually most of
modems have "" or ""
Login to your router >> Check for Bandwidth Control
Option in your router options >> Enable and set bandwidth.
Assigning different bandwidth to different devices is not
possible directly. So, there is a hack to do so.
First note all IP address and Mac address from DHCP server
for current connected devices. Set DHCP server to off. (Now you need to assign
IP's manually to each and every device.)
Find Bandwidth control in advance setting of TP Link router :
Login to your Router Page
Go to DHCP tab and make sure that you have enabled DHCP
Now under DHCP tab you will see an option as DHCP Client
You will see list of devices connected to your wifi with ip
Copy the preferred IP address
Now click on ADD NEW, now paste the IP address (IP range)
which you have copied in STEP 4
Now Set the Egress Bandwidth and Ingress Bandwidth
For Control Uploading Speed go to >> Egress bandwidth
For Control Downloading Speed go to >> Ingress bandwidth
IP Range -Single IP address or IP address Range. When you
configure the single IP address, the computer with this IP address will get
independent given bandwidth. When you configure the IP address range, all
computers in the range will share the given bandwidth.
Port Range-The port arrange of TCP protocol or UDP protocol.
Protocol-You can choose the TCP protocol or UDP protocol or
both of them.
And now save the settings and check the box to enable or
disable these setting. If you have another company modem then you can find
Bandwidth control function as below...
Find Bandwidth control in advance setting of Digisol router:
Digisol Router: Advanced > QoS setup
Find Bandwidth control in advance setting of D-Link router:
D-Link Router: Advanced > Traffic Control
Find Bandwidth control in advance setting of iBall router:
iBall Router: Bandwidth Control
Find Bandwidth control in advance setting of Tenda router:
Tenda Router: QoS>>Bandwidth Control
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Tags: wifi bandwidth limiter software, how to limit wifi speed tp link, how to limit wifi speed huawei router, how to limit bandwidth on huawei router, how to limit wifi speed on dlink router, bandwidth manager software, how to limit bandwidth on router per user, how to limit wifi speed netgear,