Get Alerts - Find a vaccine availability slot near your area, Receive empty vaccination slots centers by email and SMS alert
If you have successfully registered for free vaccinations but you are unable to find or book a schedule or slot, then here I will tell you the 4 best tools. Just signup to get vaccine slot availability alerts on your mobile.
If you have not registered, then you can check here, how to registered for the Covid-19 vaccine.
You will get both alerts including free vaccinations center and paid vaccinations center. You can book an appointment according to your budget. But I do recommend going for the paid vaccine if you are able to pay. It means you will help your nation.
So finding covid vaccine locations now is very easy.
But Remember -
The given below vaccine finder tools/vaccine finder app or vaccine slot tracker websites will only give you information about vaccine slots or vaccine schedules. Users will still have to go to the CoWIN portal or Aarogya Setu/ Umang app to book an appointment at a nearby center. It can be used only for looking at slot availability, but it will not book a slot for you.
PayTM Vaccine Finder -
If you are a PayTM user then you no need to visit or check any other tool because you can receive vaccination slots alert by using this app.
How to use PayTM vaccine finder -
Just open your PayTM app, search Covid-19 Vaccine Slot Finder. Just click on that, to check vaccine availability just enter your Pincode or select your district then click on Notify me when slots are available.
Telegram Vaccine Slot Finder -
If you don't have the PayTM app, and if you are a user of the Telegram app then you can receive Covid-19 vaccine slot status on the Telegram app.
How to use Telegram Vaccine slot tracker -
So to join directly a telegram group, just open URL from your browser and open with the telegram, select your state and district Now can join this group.
The website is created by developer Berty Thomas. Covid Vaccine Slot Tracker Website -
If are not a user of Telegram, then you can open by using your browser. You will receive alerts by email. The portal was created by Azhar Hussain, Akshay Nautiyal, and Anurag Kishore.
To register, visit
Enter your name, district, email, and mobile number (optional) in the respective fields
Choose ‘Get Notified’ Covid Vaccine Slot availability Tracking Website -
It is another COVID vaccine slot notifying website. sends notifications about the availability of slots to your registered mobile number. Here’s how to use the portal:
Select your district or Pincode
Enter your name and mobile number
Choose ‘Submit’ to proceed
You have done it, now you will receive empty vaccine slots alerts when a vaccination slot is available nearby in your area's center.
Attention: Before you sign up for any of the above websites, make sure that they are safe and protect your privacy.