How to register for the covid vaccine for 18+ by using Co-win Portal, Aarogya Setu App and Umang application.
Here I will tell you that how and when can you register for the Covid vaccine?
The third phase of the COVID-19 vaccination drive already started on May 1, 2021. The registration for the Covid vaccine for 18+ started at 4 pm on April 28, 2021.
You can pre-register yourself for online registration and appointment can be done through the Co-WIN portal, Aroyga Setu App, and Umang App.
1. First, I will check that how to register yourself by using the Co-Win portal -
Visit Co-win Portal -
First, visit website. Go to Register / Sign in option.
After that, you will redirect to the new tab, and you will reach to new given below screen.
Verify Mobile Number -
Registration for 18+ Vaccination -
After submitting OTP, you will get the above window, just complete your registration.
Photo Id Proof -
You will get the following options to select -
- Aadhar Card
- Driving License
- PAN Card
- Passport
- Pension Passbook
- NPR Smart Card
- Voter ID
Photo Id number -
Just put your Id number in whichever option you have selected above.
Name -
Just type your name as per ID proof.
Gender -
Select your gender.
Year of Birth -
Put your year of birth here.
Click on "Add" to continue registration.
After that, you will account for details, now you have to select a Schedule for vaccination.
Now you will get a new window for a search vaccination center nearby you.
Here I have checked the vaccination center in Delhi, by using Pincode 110006. but unfortunately, there are 45+ slots are available for booking but the Delhi government refused to start vaccination for 18+. So Just wait for the new announcement for Delhi.
But don't worry, if you are lucky and not living in Delhi, then you can find an 18+ vaccination slot in your area and just select your slot and timing. You will also receive a message for confirmation.
2. 18+ Covid vaccine Registration through Aarogya Setu App -
Just Install the Aarogya Setu application from the iOS or Android play store.
3. 18+ Covid vaccine Registration through Umang App -
Just Install the Umang mobile application from the iOS or Android play store. Open the main page and search Co-Win
Now you will get below the window.
Now please follows the same steps as I have mentioned above for Cowin Portal.
I hope this information will help you with easy registration for vaccination in India. Don't take on heart fake rumors, Indian government provided vaccines for frontline workers that's why today India is fighting with Covid-19.
But another truth is that there are lots of current peoples available who want to take benefits of this pandemic, just take care of yourself.
Also, Read - Receive Vaccine Availability Notification or alerts for slots Booking